Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I might be stuck in a state of oblivion of misleading euphoria

i might be stuck in a state of oblivion of mislead euphoria…..

setelah bekerja, berjuang, demi mencari sesuap nasi , segenggam berlian, sehektar tanah, dan seorang calon suami potensial ! :P (preetttt!…) pheeewwww….. suddenly, came out of the blue…i feel lonely in the crowd….
mungkin beberapa sobat gue bakal ngomong:"so typical Gemini!"..lha emang zodiak ngaruh yaa ke urusan ini?
once upon a time…gue pernah bikin suatu "sumpah"..apapun yang terjadi nanti di dalam my-so-called-complicated yet wonderful-life ini…gue ga akan ngelupain satu hal yang walaupun terdengar sangat tolol dan bodoh!…(for everyone convenience, I’d rather not said it out loud! :P)…dan voila! gue udah mulai melupakan hal tersebut!
am i happy with what i do rite now?
yea…sort of…i enjoyed it..a lot!
malah ga disangka2 gue dapet kesempatan traveling kemana2…
but there is something missing in my life…
someone said to me ages ago: "You are like a bird, so spreads your wings and fly..You are like a shooting-star, so find your moment to shines..You are a true traveler, you always packed your suitcase and leave…and definitely you are unexpectedly person! and it’s not a bad thing though, because that’s just who you are..don’t feel bad just because"
hohoho..don’t even try to ask whose said that beautiful words to me…(too personal! sorry..:P)
so…… menurut temen gue yang satu itu… gue adalah orang yang ditakdirkan berpindah2, berkelana, nyari lingkungan baru, kenalan sama orang baru…jadi ga mungkin banget seorang Girda bisa tinggal diam di satu lingkungan.. hmmm mungkin itu salah satu alasan kenapa hubungan gue ga ada yang tahan lama ya? (heeeuuuppp ah…kok jadi curhat!)
jadi… is it true that right now i might be in a state of oblivion of mislead euphoria?
this thing called "euphoria"…
is it really exist?
is it wrong?
is it true that i am a so-called-a-true-traveler?
gue hanya bisa mengambil kesimpulan begini:
everyone is a true traveler in their life…from a mother to a backpacker…we always faces new & different things in this life though! maybe this time is not my final stop yet, or maybe i have already there!…we’ll never know….i just enjoying every minute of my life…and if it’s time for me to pack up my suitcase and leave..I’ll knew…something must have told me…so, rite now i’m just enjoying my life…my so-called-in a state of oblivion of mislead euphoria..and if i took the wrong turn? well, I’ll just pack up my suitcase and booked the first flight to anywhere then!

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